
Sixth and final week of the Summer Camp 2014

We are in the final stretch of our Summer Camp 2014 of our school Instituto Internacional de Idiomas.

Until Wednesday we have carried on with the usual routine of activities, classes, sports and of course fun in the swimming pool. On Wednesday we organized a farewell dinner and diploma presentation for the group of students who have been in the Summer Camp for three weeks all the way from Krasnoyarsk, Russia.

We also presented certificates to Elena and Julia, whose agency ‘Salamanca’ has brought these students from so far to be able to enjoy the Summer Camp 2014.


Actuación cena summer camp 2014 SummerCamp 2014

Entrega de Poster summer camp 2014 The kids surprised us with a wonderful performance! From the youngest students to the teenagers, they all got together to perform for us. The teachers got very emotional when they were presented with two posters made by the students with such love, enthusiasm and creativity. They were made from collages of magazine pictures and real photos of the teachers from the III Summer Camp! The teachers and monitors were really surprised to receive this totally unexpected gift.

On Saturday we finished our Summer camp for this year, but we are already getting ready for the Summer Camp 2015!



We would like to thank…

All of our students for their collaboration, good behavior and involvement in all of the activities that we have done together.

Elena and Julia for their organization and for bringing us students all the way from Krasnoyarsk.

Hotel Atalaya for the facilities and their service.

And all of the III team who have participated in the preparation and development and the smooth running of our Summer Camp 2014.



Sixth Week of the Summer Camp 2014:

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Farewell Dinner Summer camp 2014:

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