Obtain the Spanish nationality

Information about requirements, mock exams, conditions, registration, exam dates and contents to obtain the Spanish nationality or citizenship via CCSE Exam in Marbella.


The Instituto Internacional de Idiomas would like to inform you that the regulations for obtaining the Spanish nationality has suffered several changes and amongst other requirements the satisfactory pass of two tests designed and administrated by the Instituto Cervantes is now compulsory.


  1. The test recognizes a basic knowledge of the Spanish language: Spanish diploma DELE level A2 or over.
  2. The test recognizes a basic knowledge of the Spanish Constitution (Constitución Española) and the social and cultural Spanish reality: CCSE (Constitutional and Sociocultural Knowledge of Spain).


Information about the framework, content and preparation method for the CCSE test

General description for the CCSE test

The CCSE test consist of 25 closed questions (there are questions with three possible answers where only one is valid and other questions with only one true or false answer ).

The content is divided in two groups: Government, law and citizen participation in Spain (60 % of the items) and culture, history and Spanish society (40 % of the items).

The following link offers a document with the specifications of the CCSE test..

The test has a maximum length of 45 minutes.

Qualification and certification system for the CCSE test

The CCSE test contains 25 questions with only one correct answer so the qualification method is automatic. The correct answers will receive 1 point; the incorrect ones 0 points and will not be penalized.

The maximum score that can be obtained in the CSSE test equals the number of items that it contains- 25.

Descripción general de la prueba DELE

Los diplomas de español DELE son títulos oficiales acreditativos del grado de competencia y dominio del idioma español, que otorga el Instituto Cervantes en nombre del Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional de España.

La estructura general de las pruebas de los exámenes DELE A2 es la siguiente:

Pruebas de examen DELE A2Puntuación máxima de la prueba sobre los 100 puntos del examen DELEPuntuación mínima para resultar APTO
Comprensión de lectura25 puntos15 puntos
Expresión e interacción escritas25 puntos15 puntos
Compresión auditiva25 puntos15 puntos
Expresión e interacción orales25 puntos15 puntos

El Diploma de español nivel A2 acredita la capacidad del usuario de la lengua para:

  • comprender y utilizar expresiones cotidianas de uso frecuente, relacionadas casi siempre con áreas de experiencia que le sean especialmente relevantes por su inmediatez (información básica sobre sí mismo y sobre su familia, compras y lugares de interés, ocupaciones, etc.);
  • realizar intercambios comunicativos sencillos y directos sobre aspectos conocidos o habituales y para describir en términos sencillos aspectos de su pasado y de su entorno; y
  • para satisfacer cuestiones relacionadas con sus necesidades inmediatas.


This test is ideal to improve the student’s Spanish level and enable them to know the exam struture in depth.

  • Modality:

    Los cursos pueden ser: generales, minigrupos, semiprivados o privados.

  • Duration:

    32 hours

  • Student number:

    Maximum students: 15

  • Registration fee:


  • Starting date 2023:

    16th January, 13th March, 17th April, 13th June, 14th August, 18th September, 16th October

  • Starting date 2024:

    22th January, 18th March, 22th April, 17th June, 19th August, 23th September, 28th October

  • Horario:

    2 hours daily from Monday to Thursday

  • Precio:

200€ monthy (32 hrs. / month)


Convocatorias de exámenes

It is expected that the CCSE tests take place on the last Thursday of each month at the times established by the Instituto Cervantes.

CCSE tests are not run in August and December.


Information about the requirements, conditions and registration method for the CCSE test and DELE test

Requirements to register for the CCSE test and DELE test

Candidates from any nationality with legal capacity to operate and who are over 18 can register and take the CCSE test.

Registration method and price for the CCSE test and DELE test

Registrations and registration payments can be made online at the Instituto Cervantes official website . Payments by credit or debit card, or by PayPal.

The price to register for the CCSE test in 2020 is €85  (eighty five euros). This price is updated annually.

The registration for the CCSE test entitles candidates to sit the exam on 2 occasions in case they do not pass during the first attempt or the candidate has not entered the first examination.


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